Church Meeting Documents 2023 - 2024

ReportsAugust 8, 2024


Summer 2024 Church Meeting Packet

Covenant Amendment

Minutes of Special Church Meeting April 28, 2024

Minutes of Winter 2024 Church Meeting February 11, 2024

Summer 2024 Church Meeting

Sunday, August 25, 2024 - 11:15 AM

Letter from Church Chair

Dear Lake Avenue Church Family,

Thank you for being a faithful member of our One Body at Lake. I am looking forward to our Summer Church Meeting on Sunday, August 25, 2024. You will not want to miss this year’s gathering! We will thank and praise God as we share highlights of what God has been doing since last September when our ministry year began. We will also share a vision of where we sense the Holy Spirit is leading us over the course of the next 12 months and how all members of our Lake Avenue Church family will want to be engaged by utilizing their God-given gifts and passion to serve Christ.

In addition to celebrating stories of God’s goodness to us at Lake and the continuing murmuration of His Holy Spirit throughout our Lake family, we will provide updates of our membership, seek to elect Elders and Leadership Development Team members and approve the annual budget for the next fiscal year of September 2024 through August 2025.

We will also be voting on a proposed amendment to our Congregational Leadership Covenant to add one word, “members,” to those who are eligible to serve on committees established by the Elder Council, in addition to Elders, Deacons and individuals from the pastoral team or staff. This amendment will require 75% of the members voting in approval for it to pass. February 11 and April 28 Church Meeting minutes will be presented for approval as well. Please review them in advance.

The Church Meeting will be in person and available for streaming online. We understand that some may be unable to attend physically, and we want to ensure that everyone can participate in this important event. To facilitate your engagement and understanding of the topics to be discussed, we have prepared a summer meeting packet containing all the relevant information. This packet will give you insight into the leadership slate, highlights from the past year, plans for the upcoming year, and the proposed annual budget. I encourage you to review this material in advance of the meeting.

One significant aspect of this gathering is the leadership slate presented by the diligent work of our Leadership Development Team for Elder nominees and 5 Deacon team for LDT nominees. They have been actively involved in identifying and interviewing potential leaders to serve on the Elder Council and Leadership Development Team. You can find video introductions of the nominees at Voting for the leadership slate will be open to active members for a 2-day period, providing flexibility in participating through various voting methods, including online, over the phone, paper ballot, or e-mail. Additional voting details are available at starting Aug. 25, 2024.

I am excited as I see the outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit throughout our body of followers of Christ at Lake. Please join us in praise and thanks to God for this past year and pray for His blessing this next year as we remain committed to seeking Him and being obedient to His will. “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.” Prov. 19:21.

With His richest blessings of grace, peace and love through Christ,

Rich Chinen

Church Chair

Church Leadership Nominees

Elder Council Nominees

Elders are elected to overlapping terms of up to three years and may serve a total of six consecutive years.

Steve Welch

Re-Election (Vice Chair, 1st term of 3 years)

Current elder who began service September 2020, nominated for re-election to serve through August 2027

Ministry InvolvementWorship & Art, Pastoral Search Team, Elder Council, Usher Ministry

Spiritual GiftsAdministration, Apostleship, Service, Leadership, Discipling

Kevin Williams

Re-Election (1st term of 3 years)

Current elder who began service September 2023, nominated for re-election to serve through August 2027

Ministry InvolvementElder Council, Counseling Ministries, Racial Reconciliation, Marriage Ministries

Spiritual Gifts Discernment, Hospitality, Service

Carrie Hawkins

Re-Election (1st term of 3 years)

Current elder who began service September 2023, nominated for re-election to serve through August 2027

Ministry InvolvementEducation & Discipleship Division, Disciples Class, Missions Committee, Missional Outreach Division Chair, Elder Council

Spiritual GiftsAdministration, Discernment, Encouragement, Leadership, Wisdom

Jeff Misakian

(1st term of 1 year)

Not currently elder, nominated to serve through August 2025

Ministry InvolvementFinance Committee, Usher Ministry, Rooted Launch Team, Administration and Finance Division, Deacon Ministry, Nominating Committee, Adult Sunday School Leadership

Spiritual GiftsAdministration, Service, Leadership, Prayer, Wisdom

Chris Higgins

(1st term of 1 year)

Not currently elder, nominated to serve through August 2025

Ministry InvolvementStrategic Stewardship Task Force, Rooted Pilot and CYA groups, Mentoring, Finance Committee, Galileans Executive Committee

Spiritual GiftsAdministration, Service, Encouragement

Leadership Development Team (LDT) Nominees

Leadership Development Team members are elected to overlapping terms of up to three years.

Ken Wagner

Not currently LDT member, nominated to serve through August 2027

Ministry InvolvementDeacon, (Congregational Life Division), Encouragers, Men’s Ministry, Bible Study Fellowship, Alpha Class, Prayer Ministry, Agape Class

Spiritual GiftsAdministration, Faith, and Service

Lois Kasten

Not currently LDT member, nominated to serve through August 2027

Ministry InvolvementPrayer Ministry & Leadership, Congregational Life Division, Worship & Arts Division

Spiritual GiftsExhortation, Teaching, Discernment, Pastor/Shepherd

Family Update

The elder council approves all changes in membership at the elder council meetings and reports updates at the church meetings, as provided in the Congregational Leadership Covenant.

Main New Members Comunidad New Members
  1. Amy Wu
  2. Angelica Magni
  3. Angelica Tang
  4. David Lee
  5. David Goatley
  6. Derek Chin
  7. Dinah Watkins
  8. Dorthy Kwon
  9. Gene Chong Cuatt
  10. John Watkins
  11. Juan Carlos Magni
  12. Katherine Lee
  13. Loretta Young
  14. Matthew Lee
  15. Nicholas Schulte
  16. Pamela Goatley
  17. Richard Kang
  18. Sara Marquez
  19. Stella Choi
  20. Viviana Magni
  21. Wei Lin Chong Cuatt
  1. Concepcion Cortez
  2. Bessy Lemus
  3. Elsie Reyes
  4. Eric Lemus
  5. Gloria Ibarra
  6. Jennifer Garcia
  7. Jose Ibarra
  8. Maria E. Pacheco
  9. Martha Pedroza
  10. Misael Garcia
  11. Nathaniel Avina
  12. Roger Pacheco
  13. Silvia Garcia
Main Baptism Comunidad Baptism
  1. Brenda Valencia
  2. Elennia Young
  3. Janice Martinez
  4. Nathan Chan
  5. Oscar Martinez
  6. Ryan Kejcir
  7. Jonathan Barry
  1. Azziza Donis
  2. Eduardo Maldonado
  3. Jesús Barahona
  4. Jose Iraheta
  5. Marin Bermejo
  6. Paula Corrales
  7. Rosalina Velazquez
  8. Sofia Luciana
Membership Transfers/Withdrawals
  1. Alida Barnes
  2. Chad Goetz
  3. Courtney Morris
  4. Eileen DeLeon
  5. Elizabeth Gough
  6. Giovanna Carrera
  7. Gordon Bourneman
  8. James Bitner
  9. Janet Calhoun
  10. Jeffrey Martin
  11. Jim Howe
  12. Justin Gough
  13. Kevi Meru
  14. Lori Howe
  15. Matt Barnes
  16. Oli Pilkenton
  17. Onedia Duque-Meru
  18. Rachel Dokko
  19. Sydney Niesen
  20. Tami Bourneman
  21. Tina Gonzalez
  1. Donald Davis
  2. Doug Kinsinger
  3. Ed Mohel
  4. Elizabeth Erickson
  5. Ernie Boehr, Sr.
  6. Ginger Mikl
  7. Gordy Gauntlett
  8. Hal Leaman
  9. Jacqueline Groseth
  10. Janet Willms
  11. Mario Vasta
  12. Marion Boomhower
  13. Marv Eyler
  14. Natalie Lennon
  15. Shirley Elspas
  16. Shirley Margado
  17. Timothy Staus

Ministry Highlights 2023-2024

As we look back on our accomplishments of the past year, we are humbled and grateful for how God has been working in and through our church. Together, we have experienced remarkable spiritual growth, deepened our commitment to missions, and strengthened our sense of community. Here are some of the key highlights that have shaped our journey:

Congregational Life

This past year family ministries and adult ministries merged into one new division: Congregational Life Ministries. The emphasis of this new division is growing stronger as the La Familia (The Family) of Christ—from youngest to oldest. While age-appropriate discipleship continues across the life of the church, we encourage ALL the MINISTRIES of the congregation to help ALL the GENERATIONS of the church to BELIEVE (in His name), to BELONG (to His family) and to BECOME (His image). Concretely, we do this by encouraging and resourcing all the ministries of the congregation to become more intergenerational in building upwards and downwards discipleship relationships. We believe that everyone reflects more of God’s image by being discipled by older people, peers, and younger people alike. Our Children’s andStudent Ministries have been focusing on more events and ministry opportunities that engage the whole family and all the generations of the church. Our New Year’s Block Party, VBS week, and partnership with the Outreach Division to help with Summer Fest, all showcase this La Familia reality that we want to see grow stronger at LAC. Many of our Adult Class Fellowships continue to grow as well, and some have hosted meals and celebrations with our College and Young Adult ministries or other life stage groups, in the hope of building these more “familial” relationships. Men’s Ministry, Women’s Ministry, Grand-parenting, Prayer, Veterans, Rooted, Marriage, Missional Communities, EHS, Connecting Ministries, and Care Ministry, are all seeking to become more intergenerational and cross-congregationally involved in their discipleship and relationships. The Congregational Life Division has established liaison deacons who will connect each month with our many ministries to enhance communication and better support them on a practical level.

Worship & the Arts

There have been some wonderful initiatives started this year, including: a new worship gathering for the worship band and vocal team members; identifying, training, and empowering of worship leaders; the launch of a new concert series; and beautiful new Christ-centered and Christ-declaring collaborations with our Congregational Life and Outreach Divisions. We are growing as creative artists and seeing new and returning participants across our music ministry groups.

Missional Outreach

Missional Outreach has undergone a year of transition and growth with a vision to help LAC activate their faith, animate Christ to their neighbors and amplify Christ among the nations. In our first year with a new Pastor, new Division Chair and two new staff we have assisted: new Chairs for our Global Outreach (GO Team) which provided visionary leadership for global missions, active meeting of needs via the Benevolence Committee and Community Meal, salvific moments through Alpha Evangelism, strengthening of community and local partners with SummerFest and the New Year’s Eve Outreach and making dynamic cultural and spiritual bridges with the Addison Anti-Trafficking Initiative, Media Cohort, STEM cohort and Global Leadership Summit. We praise God for these efforts and spiritual growth.

Ministry Plan 2024-2025

As we embark on a new year filled with hope and anticipation, we are excited to share the ministry plan and visions shaping our journey together. The ministry plan is what is behind the budget numbers for the coming year and has been developed by Mathew P. John, Senior Pastor, in close partnership with the Elder Council, and Lead Ministry Team. These goals are inspired by our commitment to growing in faith, community, and service.

  1. Thoroughly review “structure of ministry oversight in consultation with the pastoral team and communicates it to the church, assuring that each ministry of the church is overseen directly or indirectly by one or more elders or deacons, who together with the pastors establish and pursue ministry goals, adopt and apply policies, and steward resources.”
    1. Better foster engagement of members and others attending Lake from welcoming to serving to leadership.
    2. Create a consistent and clear program of discipleship as we equip followers of Christ which is recognized and utilized throughout the church, including children and adults.
    3. Improve calendar management and communication of events and activities for the entire congregation with a rhythm creating accessibility and minimizing conflict in events.
  2. Create structured leadership groups to address long term needs for stewardship of facilities and ministry to be overseen by the Elder Council.
  3. Focus on our unity as One Body in Christ to shine our light in our culture through our fellowship, prayer, study of God’s word, events and activities.

Ministry Budget for 2024- 2025

The proposed plan reflects the budget of Lake Avenue Church (LAC) for its Fiscal Year 2024-2025. Per the LAC Congregational Covenant, the Elder Council shall propose the annual overall budget of the church for approval by members. The Elder Council, in consultation with the Finance Committee recommends the planned expense budget of $6,725,000.

Budget By Ministry Division



General Fund

Budget by Category (doesn’t include Comunidad de las Americas)



There will be an opportunity to ask questions live in the Worship Center. Those unable to attend in person can email in questions for church leadership to respond to before or after the meeting. Questions from active members will be prioritized and responded to before the end of the voting period. No anonymous questions will be accepted. Send questions via email to [email protected].


At the Summer Church Meeting, active members attending in person will have to vote on the Ministry Plan & Budget for the 2024-2025 ministry year. The Church Leadership Election will be conducted through a voting period that will open on August 25 at 11:15 AM and close on August 27 at 5:00 PM. Active members of the church can vote one of four ways. Choose one of the options below to vote on the elected leadership slate.

Electronic Ballot

Voting has Ended on August 27 at 5:00 PM

Paper Ballot

Available for those attending in person during the meeting.


Send an email to [email protected] for an e-mail ballot.


Call the church office at (626) 844-4700 to vote over the phone Monday and Tuesday, 9 am to 5 pm.

Special Church Meeting

Sunday, April 28, 2024 - 11:00 AM

Winter 2024 Church Meeting

Sunday, February 11, 2024 - 11:15 AM