Rooted is a transformational small-group experience where you will have the opportunity to deepen your connection with God, grow together in community and discover how to use your gifts and talents more fully for His Kingdom.

Rooted Journey

Rooted involves a 10-week discipleship journey, a serious commitment that inspires questions and conversations that are designed to help you better understand God and His plan for you.  Together in a small group, you will study the Bible in daily devotions, engage in prayer and service experiences, share stories and practice the spiritual rhythms modeled by the early church in Acts 2.

Explore Rooted Groups!

Rooted Experience

Through the Rooted journey, you will begin to see God in new ways and hear His voice in surprising places. You’ll experience a different way of life as you connect with God, your small group members, the church, the community, and your purpose.

We encourage you to come with an open heart and see how God surprises you!

Join Now!

Rooted Groups

Get started by finding the group that best suits your interest

If you have additional questions or needs contact Alan Juranek at [email protected]

Group Finder

Anita Szilagyi Friday Group

6:00 PM

Bob Stover Wednesday Group

7:00 PM

The Encouragers Group is a group of older men meeting to study Biblical topics and for fellowship.  Beginning January 22 we will be participating in the Rooted Small Group for 10 weeks.  We welcome you to join us.

Ken Wagner Tuesday Group

10:00 AM

Rooted Sunday Group Winter 2024

Sundays After Church; Childcare Available

OH 201
11:00 AM